Contact Stacy
Send a Message
Scheduling an Appointment
- Fill out and submit the contact form on this website to send a direct message.
- Provide Stacy with each parties' name, email address, and phone number. If either party has an attorney, please provide the name and phone number of that attorney.
- Choose the time of day (morning, afternoon, or evening) that you would prefer for your appointment.
Preparation for Initial Meeting
The information to gather in advance of the first mediation:
- Income information, personal and business tax returns (2-3 years if possible), most current paystubs, W-2's for 2 years of tax returns are not available.
- Costs for health insurance broken down by the costs for the child(ren) versus the cost for the parent who provides the insurance and the cost for the other parent, if they are covered, out of pocket costs on a monthly basis for doctors, prescriptions, dental, orthodontic, etc. Bring the proof of those expenses with you.
- Latest statements for debt, credit cards, mortgage, equity line, car payments, etc.
- Latest appraisals for jewelry, home, cars, artwork, etc.
- Latest statements for retirements, savings accounts, investment accounts, life insurance or any other investments or savings. Additional things to consider would be the cash value of any life insurance or if you have any savings bonds.
- Completed financial statement. Here is the form used by the Courts.
- Proof of child related expenses such as work-related daycare or summer camp if you use summer camp as your summer work related daycare.It is not unusual to not have all of the information with you for the first mediation. Do not worry!
Mediation Costs
Stacy's hourly rate is normally divided equally between the parties. Alternate arrangements can be made with parties if necessary. Each mediation session lasts approximately 2 to 2 ½ hours. If the parties want to extend the session and the session is being productive, Stacy is willing to do that. Parties will take breaks during the session for everyone's benefit, and if the session is no longer being productive, Stacy will end a particular session.
Mailing Address
10629 York Road
Cockeysville, Maryland 21030
Mediation sessions can occur at any location that is convenient for all parties.